This study tested the longitudinal measurement invariance and developmental changes of a newly developed battery of executive function (EF) tasks for use in early childhood. The battery was administered in the Family Life Project—a prospective longitudinal study (N = 1,292) of families who were oversampled from low-income and African American families at the birth of a new child—at assessments conducted when the child was 3, 4, and 5 years old. All 6 individual EF tasks exhibited strong measurement invariance over time. The EF battery, which was derived from the 6 individual tasks, exhibited partial strong invariance over time. Second-order latent growth curve models revealed individual differences in the levels but not rates of change in latent EF ability. The functional form of change was nonlinear; 60% of the total change in EF ability that was observed between the 3- and 5-year assessments occurred between the Year 3 and Year 4 assessments. Results are discussed with respect to the importance of establishing scalable measures of EF ability prior to investigating experiences that predict or are predicted by changes in EF during early childhood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
VL - 24 UR - IS - 2 JO - Psychological Assessment ER - TY - JOUR T1 - The measurement of executive function at age 5: Psychometric properties and relationship to academic achievement. JF - Psychological Assessment Y1 - 2012 A1 - Michael T. Willoughby A1 - Clancy Blair A1 - Wirth, R. J. A1 - Mark T. Greenberg AB -This study examined the psychometric properties and criterion validity of a newly developed battery of executive function (EF) tasks for use in early childhood. The battery was included in the Family Life Project (FLP), a prospective longitudinal study of families who were oversampled from low-income and African American families at the birth of a new child (N = 1,292). Ninety-nine percent (N = 1,036) of children who participated in the age 5 home visit completed 1 or more (M = 5.8, Mdn = 6) of the 6 EF tasks. Results indicated that tasks worked equally well for children residing in low-income and not low-income homes, that task scores were most informative about the ability level of children in the low-average range, that performance on EF tasks was best characterized by a single factor, and that individual differences on the EF battery were strongly related to a latent variable measuring overall academic achievement, as well as to individual standardized tests that measured phonological awareness, letter–word identification, and early math skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
VL - 24 UR - IS - 1 JO - Psychological Assessment ER - TY - JOUR T1 - The measurement of executive function at age 3 years: Psychometric properties and criterion validity of a new battery of tasks. JF - Psychological Assessment Y1 - 2010 A1 - Michael T. Willoughby A1 - Clancy Blair A1 - Wirth, R. J. A1 - Mark T. Greenberg AB -In this study, the authors examined the psychometric properties and criterion validity of a newly developed battery of tasks that were designed to assess executive function (EF) abilities in early childhood. The battery was included in the 36-month assessment of the Family Life Project (FLP), a prospective longitudinal study of 1,292 children oversampled from low-income and African American families. Ninety-one percent of children were able to complete 1 or more of the tasks. Psychometric analyses were used to test the dimensionality of each task, evaluate the item and task properties, test the dimensionality of the task battery, and evaluate the criterion validity of the battery with multi-informant measures of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptomatology and child performance on two subtests of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. Results indicated that the tasks were successful in measuring interindividual differences in child EF ability, that task scores were most informative about ability level for children in the low to moderate range of ability, that children's performance across the entire battery was adequately summarized by a single factor, and that individual differences on the EF battery were related to ADHD symptomatology and intelligence in expected ways. Results are discussed with respect to the importance of developing psychometrically sound, scalable instruments that facilitate the measurement of interindividual differences in intraindividual change of EF across the early childhood period. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
VL - 22 UR - IS - 2 JO - Psychological Assessment ER -